Educational and Funcational Content; Key to Social Media

Written by Mark Kilens | Feb 17, 2010

Creating engaging content is the key to having people find and link to your web site. Content can take many forms and be used for different purposes. One of the best ways to use content is for educational purposes. The content should connect with the customer and draw them in to your web site. Here are ten examples of valuable content:

  1. Write an educational blog series for your target audience
  2. Create a SlideShare presenatation with calls-to-action and eye popping graphics
  3. Write a customer success story optimized with five keyword phrases for SEO
  4. Film a company video integrating your value proposition in a creative way
  5. Do a weekly webinar on a topic affecting your industry
  6. Use Twitter to promote an upcoming event a landing page to your web site
  7. Write a white paper on an industry topic
  8. Create an online product demo
  9. Film videos of your customers using your product and optimize them for YouTube
  10. Create a LinkedIn group discussing topics that will educate your audience

The critical part of creating content is that it must engage with the person and help answer a problem or question. Customers could evaluate your industry knowledge or product through content, so you can't take shortcuts when creating content. Great content should continuously be your focus after you find and listen to your target audience. Once you create great content, you can start using social media channels to spread your creations.

Mark K.